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Monday 6 January 2014

The ultimate secret to happy skin

Your smile conveys several things; it not only reflects your state of your mind but also the state of your skin. Pay heed to Arpita agnihotri tips to ensure you flaunt happy, glowing skin all day.
Cleanse daily
Keeping your skin spotlessly clean is essential. However, with the rising stress and pollution levels, it can be quite an uphill task. Also with extensive cleansing, your skin is likely to lose moisture. Therefore, it is important not only to keep your skin clean but also retain its moisture.  Choose a cleanser wisely that not only wipe the impurities away but also replenishes the facial skin with the required moisture and nutrients. Follow up this process with a toner to shrink your pores size, thus controlling breakouts.

Moisturise regularly
Other than a smile, one of the greatest ways to wipe out the sulking expression on your face is to treat your face with a luxurious amount of moisturiser or day/night cream. Pamper yourself by massaging the cream in a circular motion onto your skin.  Don’t forget to hydrate your lips with some balm as well.

Once in a while, treat your dull skin to the goodness of a mashed papaya and honey mask. It’s extremely effective in brightening up your face and must be your end-of-day skin care regime to achieve glowing skin.

Protection against UV rays
Whatever the season may be, don’t forget to lather your face with sunscreen. It will give you radical protection from the sun’s harmful rays that can cause tanning and put a damper on your quest to maintain youthfulness.

Other than these beauty essentials, a good lifestyle and a happy state of mind also contribute to a smiling skin. So, make sure you incorporate them as well.

Monday 2 December 2013

Organic vs Acne

The festive marathon can tire out not just your body, but your skin too, leading to dullness, dehydration and even inflammations and acne. Here’s how to keep zits away and look fabulous as you celebrate:

Potato pleaseThe potassium and phosphorus in potatoes are believed to tackle blemishes. Further, potatoes also help to lighten marks and lend an even tone to the skin.

Get bakingIf you are looking for the right exfoliating agent for your skin, try baking soda. It’s not too harsh on the skin and eliminates dead cells effectively.

Go greenFenugreek leaves have always been accredited for their ability to treat skin concerns. Make a paste of the leaves with water and apply it daily on your skin for 20 minutes.

Go orangeyGrind the peel of an orange and make a paste of it with water. Apply this over the affected areas and leave it on for 15 minutes. Vitamin C is skin’s friend. If you have oily skin skin type, citrus fruit acids are perfect for you.